Campus Climate

Disclaimer: The data collection for our 2023-2024 survey is complete, and the findings will be published in October. You can check out our most recent report from 2019-2020 below.

Islamophobia on College Campuses

and its Impact on Muslim Students

Islamophobia: a “fear, hatred, or prejudice toward Islam and Muslims” that manifests itself in a “pattern of discrimination and oppression.”

Major Takeaways

Over Half

of all respondents were subjected to bigoted comments about Islam from their peers, while 33.55% were subjected to bigoted comments about Islam from their professors or instructors. 


of Muslim students reported that their schools failed to make statements, accommodations, or otherwise address the effects of significant policy issues impacting their community, such as the Muslim Ban. Even in cases where schools responded, 21.37% of students found the responses to be inappropriate or inadequate

A Quarter

of students witnessed other Muslim students being physically harassed on campus or school sponsored events due to their religious identity.

An even greater percentage, 31.83%, reported witnessing other Muslim students being verbally harassed due to their religious identity.

Another 24.48% of students were harassed on college related online platforms due to their Muslim identity.

Over a Third

of students reported that speakers with Islamophobic or divisive agendas were permitted to speak on campus, and 24.85% of students believed their school’s response was inappropriate to these events.

Student Testimonials

  • The university [administration] prefers to stay neutral rather than support [Muslim] victims.

  • [I] got called a towel-head and a terrorist.

  • I am a student in the disabled students’ program; it was difficult for me to access [the program]. I was told that ‘it was not wise to make me mad because I might bomb [that person’s] house.’

  • Anytime I have an opinion in a political class, it is immediately labeled as anti-America[n] and I’m always attacked.

  • We had a huge issue about graffiti threatening to kill Muslims and our administration didn’t tell us. We found out from the school newspaper.

  • So many of us were blacklisted and our campus didn’t support us by providing any mental health services or speak[ing] out against this and in support of ...students.